You know you should be interviewing customers,
so why aren’t you?
The reason we hear most often is
I don’t know how to pick the right people to interview for this project.
We know exactly how you feel, and it’s the same way we feel every time we start a project.
Luckily, we’ve done this hundreds of times
We’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t work. We
created the Recruiting Center to make that knowledge and experience reproducible and to help you get started quickly.
The tools in the Recruiting Center are designed to take some input from you about what you’re researching, and help guide you to the best people to interview. We have found that by using these tools, you will have the first step in the process completed and the rest feels a lot easier.
What’s Included
The Screener
Creator Tool
Email Templates to Make
Inviting People Easy
End-to-End Process Guide