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Uncovering the Wine Jobs-to-be-Done

This project has ended. We’re currently wrapping up the final interviews and conducting the analysis of our findings to create the final report.
Thanks to everyone who participated and took advantage of this opportunity to practice the Jobs-to-be-Done interview technique!
We’ll be picking another topic and kicking off another project shortly. Stay tuned …

Help us discover the Jobs that wine is hired to do.  We’re going to apply the Jobs-to-be-Done Framework in a whole new way, and you can join us regardless of your experience with Jobs-to-be-Done.
Instead of doing this research for a specific company (how JTBD is typically applied), we’re going to conduct it for the benefit of the entire market, and hopefully learn some things about JTBD along the way.


Choose Your Role


The JTBD Practitioner

Practice your Jobs-to-be-Done interviewing skills by examining a product in a different space, with different situations, different energy, and different motivators.
Join by pre-ordering the final report ($99). We’ll set you up with 4 consumers to interview so that you can sharpen your JTBD skills!


The Consumer
Take our short survey about how you buy and drink wine. We may pick you to have an in-depth discussion with one of our JTBD Practitioners about wine.  We guarantee you’ll never think about that bottle of Cab the same way again.  
If we pick you to interview, we’ll send you the  “Simple Guide to the World of Wine” book, which serves up the skinny on grape types and wine regions, demystifies the lingo and lore while educating on how to serve, preserve, store, and evaluate wines.


The Sommelier (or anyone in the Wine Industry)

Do you know anyone who we can talk to about how they shop for and drink wine? Let your contacts and customers know about the study by sharing this link:  Send us 10 people, and we’ll get the final report to you at the pre-order price ($99). Email us letting us know that you’re referring people and be sure they enter your name in the referral section of the survey!