The next Switch Workshop will be hosted by our good friends at Precision Nutrition and held at the Toronto Ritz Carlton on August 8th, and will be followed by the Advanced Switch: Analyzing Jobs-to-be-Done Interviews on August 9th.
Each event is limited to 32 people and tickets always go fast, so if you’re interested, register now.
Click here to register. We’ll get you a discounted room rate at the Ritz, too.
Join us at the Toronto Ritz-Carlton on August 8th to take a deep dive into why people buy and how they switch from one product to another, using the Jobs-to-be-Done Framework (#JTBD).
You’ll participate in live customer interviews.
You’ll learn new techniques for unearthing the deep insights that most companies never bother to dig up.
You’ll understand why people switch from one product to another and how you can increase the odds that the switch goes your way.
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