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Disrupting Photography with Jobs-to-be-Done

Chris Spiek

In this episode Chris and Bob spend some time with Erika Dufour and Jason Fried discussing how to apply Jobs-to-be-Done insights to Erika’s Snip Snap Go business model.

We’re always excited to get a chance to reconnect with those who have learned Jobs-to-be-Done, and in this episode you’ll hear Erika share her experience of attending a Switch Workshop at 37signals and applying what she learned to the professional photography business.

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Register for The Chicago Switch Workshop

Ervin Fowlkes

interview-coverThe next Switch Workshop will be held at 37 Signals on June 21st.

This event is sold out.

Join us at the 37 Signals office on June 21st to take a deep dive into why people buy and how they switch from one product to another, using the Jobs-to-be-Done Framework (#JTBD).

You’ll participate in live customer interviews.

You’ll learn new techniques for unearthing the deep insights that most companies never bother to dig up.

You’ll understand why people switch from one product to another and how you can increase the odds that the switch goes your way.

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NYC Switch Workshop Photos

Chris Spiek

IMG_7256Thanks to everyone who helped to make the first NYC Switch Workshop an incredible success. That includes all of the highly-engaged attendees, as well as Matthew Ruffi from DG, who provided the perfect venue!

It was great to see so many colleagues of past Switch Workshop attendees in the room.  We’re excited to see how your teams apply the framework and interview process in your work, now that so many of your team members are armed with a good understanding of the JTBD framework! >>Read More

30 Minutes With Ryan Singer on Jobs-to-be-Done

Chris Spiek

ryan-picRyan Singer from 37signals joins Bob and Chris for this episode of Jobs-to-be-Done Radio!

Ryan shares some great stories about how he came to discover Jobs-to-be-Done, and a metaphor that he created to help explain the timeline to people who are new to JTBD.

He also shares stories about some of the jobs that Campfire gets hire to do by 37signals team members (small hires), which kicks off a great conversation about how situational context influences the communication mediums that we select at any given moment (phone, email, text message, Twitter, Facebook).
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Register for the NYC Switch Workshop!

Chris Spiek

interview-coverThe May 2013 Switch Workshop will be held at DG in New York City on May 17th.

Register Now or See what people Tweeted about the April Switch Workshop!

Join us at the DG office on May 17th to take a deep dive into why people buy and how they switch from one product to another, using the Jobs-to-be-Done Framework (#JTBD).

You’ll participate in live customer interviews.

You’ll learn new techniques for unearthing the deep insights that most companies never bother to dig up.

You’ll understand why people switch from one product to another and how you can increase the odds that the switch goes your way.

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Switch Workshop Photos – April 12th at 37signals

Chris Spiek

coverOn April 12th the Switch Workshop was back at 37signals in Chicago to talk to another group of 24 people about what makes us buy the products that we buy.

After putting on a number of these, I can honestly say that this was one of the most energized and engaged groups we’ve had yet.  Great job guys!  The response that we’ve received on Twitter since the event is overwhelming.  It’s great to hear how many of you are embracing the things that you learned. >>Read More

Wine and Laptop Bag JTBD

Chris Spiek

This episode of Jobs-to-be-Done radio kicks off with the introduction of an exciting new project that everyone can be involved in:  Uncovering the Wine Jobs-to-be-Done.

We also talk about a project that we’re doing for to understand the job-dimensions that surround the purchase of high-end women’s’ laptop bag.

Finally we introduce Forces Friday, a new regular segment that we’ll feature during the first Friday of the next four months.  During each segment, we’ll break down one of the Four Forces of Progress (Push, Pull, Anxiety of the New Solution, and Habit of the Present). >>Read More

Uncovering the Wine Jobs-to-be-Done

Ervin Fowlkes

report-coverHelp us discover the Jobs that wine is hired to do. We’re going to apply the Jobs-to-be-Done Framework in a whole new way, and you can join us regardless of your experience with Jobs-to-be-Done.

Instead of doing this research for a specific company (how JTBD is typically applied), we’re going to conduct it for the benefit of the entire market, and hopefully learn some things about JTBD along the way.

Who Cares What Patients Read in Waiting Rooms?

Chris Spiek

This video is a great opportunity to see Clay speak about Jobs-to-be-Done, and the magazine/smartphone example that was given by David Skok was an effective and easy-to-understand story.  But after hearing the example, I couldn’t help but think, “who cares what patients do in waiting rooms?”
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